(786) 644-6000


Vanguard Tutoring

Achieve Academic Excellence
with Expert Tutoring!


Education changes lives.

Do you want to maximize your educational success? Our online or in-person tutoring services in Miami, Florida are the perfect answer! Our experienced tutors have the expertise and understanding to help you reach your academic objectives. Our tutors specialize in a variety of topics, from basic math to advanced science. Let us help you reach your academic goals!



Where 100s of Parents trust their child's development

How We Can Help

We Create Confident Students

In-person or Online

Homework Help

English As A Second Language (ESL)

Need A Specific Type Of Math Help?

Are you looking for a specific type of math help? Whether it’s early education, test prep or homework help, Vanguard Tutoring can provide the help you need.

Vanguard Tutoring offers top-notch math tutoring services, tailored to a wide range of needs and ages. We provide experienced tutors who can help you learn the fundamentals or hone your skills in advanced mathematics. Our instructors are well-versed in a variety of math topics, so you can get the specific type of help you need.

In addition to offering one-on-one math tutoring, we also provide a variety of other services. Our programs are designed to help students excel in math, from early childhood to college-level math. We offer a comprehensive approach that includes early education, homework help, and test prep.

At Vanguard Tutoring, we understand that math can be challenging for many students. That’s why our tutors are patient and encouraging. Our tutors are passionate about math and eager to help you succeed. We’ll work with you to develop an individualized plan that meets your particular needs and learning style. Whether you need help with basic math concepts or more advanced topics, we can help.

Tailored to Your Child’s Unique Needs

In Miami, FL, our tutoring services are tailored to your child’s individual needs. Whether they have an upcoming standardized test or need assistance with a specific subject, such as math, we offer test practice and subject-specific tutoring solutions to help them excel. Our aim is to make it easier for your child to understand and recall the information.